March 19, 2019: Immigration Detainee Rights - A Presentation by the ACLU of Oregon on the Innovation Law Lab v. Nielsen Case
The OWLS Mary Leonard Chapter and Willamette Multicultural Law Students Association (MLSA) invite attorneys and members of the public to join us for a free presentation on immigration detainee rights by attorneys from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon team along with Stoll Berne attorney, Nadia Dahab. Presenters will be speak about their work on the Innovation Law Lab v. Nielsen case, an emergency federal lawsuit that put an immediate end to the unconstitutional denial of attorney access to immigration detainees housed in the federal prison in Sheridan, Oregon. Because of their work, all detainees were granted access to attorneys and eventually released.
The Women's Law Caucus is hosting a pre-event reception with light refreshments in Rick's Cafe.
When: Tuesday, March 19, 2019. Reception starts at 5:30 p.m. Presentation starts at 6:15.
Where: Willamette University Law School. Reception in Rick's Cafe (downstairs). Presentation in Room 201.
Pricing: Free to attend, but please RSVP.
The Women's Law Caucus is hosting a pre-event reception with light refreshments in Rick's Cafe.
When: Tuesday, March 19, 2019. Reception starts at 5:30 p.m. Presentation starts at 6:15.
Where: Willamette University Law School. Reception in Rick's Cafe (downstairs). Presentation in Room 201.
Pricing: Free to attend, but please RSVP.
Willamette University Law School