Salem Working Parents
Second Monday of each month, 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm
Dining Area of Goudy Commons, identifying sign will be visible
Bring your own lunch or buy it at the commons.
As an outgrowth of a meeting held by the Mary Leonard Law Society in February, a new group known as Salem Working Parents is forming to provide a resource network for law professionals and students in Salem. Salem Working Parents will meet on the second Monday of each month. While an official monthly meeting area has not yet been established, meetings are currently being held at Goudy Commons from noon-1:00. Bring your own lunch or purchase it at the Commons. Meetings are open to all interested participants and are an opportunity for law professional and law student working parents to come together informally and talk to others with similar life experience. We’ll take suggestions for topics and let the conversation go where it will.
Dining Area of Goudy Commons, identifying sign will be visible
Bring your own lunch or buy it at the commons.
As an outgrowth of a meeting held by the Mary Leonard Law Society in February, a new group known as Salem Working Parents is forming to provide a resource network for law professionals and students in Salem. Salem Working Parents will meet on the second Monday of each month. While an official monthly meeting area has not yet been established, meetings are currently being held at Goudy Commons from noon-1:00. Bring your own lunch or purchase it at the Commons. Meetings are open to all interested participants and are an opportunity for law professional and law student working parents to come together informally and talk to others with similar life experience. We’ll take suggestions for topics and let the conversation go where it will.
OWLS Working Parents Forum
The Oregon Women Lawyers Working Parents Forum is a private space where members of Oregon Women Lawyers gather to discuss the intersection of work and the rest of life. All members of Salem Working Parents are encouraged to join and participate in the forum. Salem Working Parents uses the forum as our primary space to share meeting notes and continue meeting discussions. Resources developed through Salem Working Parents meetings will also be posted to the forum. The working parents forum is available to OWLS members statewide, and includes information helpful to practitioners throughout Oregon interested in advocacy, events, news, resources and support related to being a working parent in the legal profession.